Kemenangan Yang Hampir

Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepadamu kemenangan yang nyata (Surah al-Fath 48:1)

Memaknai Hidup Dengan Perjuangan

Jadilah penolong-penolong agama Allah dalam menegakkan agamaNya di muka bumi ini

Kalam Murabbi

Amanat Untuk Pemuda dan Pemudi

Kesatuan Ummah

Kemudian jika kamu berselisih tentang sesuatu perkara, maka kembalilah kepada Allah dan Rasul (Surah An-Nisa’4:59)

Pedulisme dan Faham

Barangsiapa tidak mengambil berat tentang urusan umat Islam, maka bukanlah mereka daripada kalangannya (HR al-Bukhari)

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Thursday 28 November 2013

DOs & DON'Ts | Exclusive Jum'ah Reminder

Thursday 21 November 2013

l'ultima Promessa

Kadangkala manusia itu lantaran terlalu sibuk mengejar urusan duniawi, terlupa yang kematian sentiasa mengekorinya, baik di mana sahaja dia pergi dan apa yang dia hendak lakukan. Sememangnya Izrail itu tidak pernah mengenal siapa peminjam nyawa itu, orang beriman atau sebaliknya, jika Allah sudah ‘memberi isyarat’ untuk mengambilnya semula maka tiada yang dapat menghalang. 

Bila ia menjelang, maka terputuslah segala cita-cita yang diidamkan dan apa sahaja perancangan hidup yang dirancang sekian lama. Demikian juga hubungan dengan seluruh sanak saudara dan rakan taulan. Sehari dua mungkin mereka datang menziarahi pusara kita, lama-lama hanya setahun sekali dan adakalanya langsung tidak dihiraukan atas pelbagai faktor. Yang hidup tetap teruskan hidup, dan yang mati perlu teruskan perhitungannya dengan Allah setiap apa yang dilakukan.

Bagi orang beriman dan sentiasa memenuhi hidupnya dengan amal soleh, maka pastinya tiada rasa penyesalan pada bila-bila masa Sang Izrail datang menjemputnya. Bahkan ia merupakan suatu kemuliaan di sisi Allah dan sekalian alam jika mati mereka dalam keadaan sedemikian, dengan solat fardu dan puasanya sempurna, qiamullail dan bacaan Qurannya jarang ditinggalkan, infaq diri dan hartanya untuk Islam berterusan, dan seumpamanya. Langsung tiada rasa khuatir dan gerun pada diri mereka untuk memasuki fasa kedua ‘kehidupan’ ini kerana kesemua amalan itulah yang menjadi teman mesranya di alam kubur. Justeru,  itulah didambakan sejak sekian lama kerana ‘wal-akhiratu khairun laka min al-ula’.

Apatah lagi bagi mereka yang merintis jalan jihad yang paling utama dalam menegakkan syariatNya di muka bumi. Manifestasinya dapat kita soroti menerusi perjuangan para syuhada’ Palestin, umpamanya al-Syahid al-Ja’bari. 14 November lalu, genap ulang tahun kesyahidannya dibunuh rejim Zionis dalam sebuah perancangan rapi. Demikian juga al-Syahid al-Rantisi (Syahid 17 April 2004), yang kata-katanya tidak pernah jemu menjadi motivasi pendamba syahid;

"We will all die one day. Nothing will change. If by Apache or by cardiac arrest, I prefer Apache."

Vice versa mereka yang hidupnya dipenuhi dengan kelalaian dan memenuhi nafsu semata-mata, tentunya kematian adalah merupakan suatu yang cukup digeruni bahkan sebolehnya cuba dijauhi. Jika beroleh musibah, 1001 rungutan, keluhan diterjemahkan kerana tidak akur atas takdir yang ditetapkan. Walhal jika mereka sabar dan reda pasti itu lebih baik kerana tiada suatu musibah yang Allah berikan melainkan ia mengangkat darjat dan menghapuskan dosa seseorang hamba itu. Malah setitis darah kita mengalir dalam keadaan melaksanakan perintah-Nya dan meninggalkan larangan-Nya tidak pernah terlepas dari perhitungan Allah untuk dijadikan tebusan kepadanya di akhirat kelak. Sekadar bermuhasabah diri dan mereka yang suka mengambil peringatan. Then, be prepare yourself!

“Indahnya hidup seseorang itu adalah apabila kehadirannya dapat memanfaatkan agama dan manusia, sementara indahnya kematiannya adalah kerana khusnul khatimah yang dianugerahi Penciptanya, atas apa yang dia telah lakukan”

Candidato del cadavere
15 November 2013

* Frasa: l'ultima Promessa (Italian) = The Last Promise =  Janji Terakhir

Thursday 14 November 2013

The Chosen Candidate

"Sometimes, there will be a lot of things that we never had envisage. Even how hard it is, as long it has been determined to us, we have to go through it. Insha-Allah, there will be a way out either it fast or slowly. What is the most essential is, we have to prepare ourselves."

Foremost, I’m apology for the ‘miss-written’ title, probably not very related with this main topic in term to make it catchy. Actually, I tend to dwell something quite different. Something is very complicated to be understood, and not many people talk about it even everyone has been go through it. However, it can’t take as easy nor sought with one eye (not illuminati). It has its own value, especially in Islam view. Here, I would like to share about ‘ a dream’. No worry, this entries not using academic style even its written in English, and I has simplify the wording as well as can, in order to make it easier to understand. Keenly, it can give something knowledge to the readers.


Have we dream something special? 
Or meet someone is very special?
Or going somewhere very lovely places?
Frequently, sometimes, or rare?
Is our dream sometimes come true?
And sometime it nothing to be concern..

Whatever it is, a dream could be justify as ‘games of a sleep’ for normal person like us. But sometimes dream has its own interpretations and justification that related with real life, especially for some dream that has been ‘setup’ with the spiritual practices. Within Islamic perspective, dream is not something unnecessary to be stress, nor something very necessary because it’s depend of what type of the dream is and what is the person condition.

Obviously, dream of the chosen peoples especially the Prophets, has determined as one of divine revelation, in order to deliver some command. As written in the Quran, there are a lot of story related, such as dream of Prophet Ibrahim a.s that he had slaughtered his own Son, Ismail a.s. As Allah said:

فَلَمَّا بَلَغَ مَعَهُ السَّعْيَ قَالَ يَا بُنَيَّ إِنِّي أَرَىٰ فِي الْمَنَامِ أَنِّي أَذْبَحُكَ فَانظُرْ مَاذَا تَرَىٰ  

“Then, when (the son) reached (the age of) (serious) work with him, he said: "O my son! I see in vision that I offer thee in sacrifice: Now see what is thy view!" (The son) said: "O my father! Do as thou art commanded…"  (QS As-Saafat 37:102)

Also a dream of Prophet Yusuf a.s that he saw eleven stars and sun and the moon prostrate to him. Allah has marks this story in the Holy Quran:

إِذْ قَالَ يُوسُفُ لِأَبِيهِ يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ 

Behold! Joseph (Yusuf) said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!" (QS Yusuf 12:4)

Besides, our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w also had a dream such as a vision for Fath al-Makkah. However, the opening of Mecca has been actualize on the next year, not in the same year that he had the dream. This event, has gave a lot of lesson for Muslims in order to do each of His command sincerely. Thus Allah stress:

إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُّبِينًا

“Verily We have granted thee a manifest Victory” (QS al-Fath 48:1)

When something has mention in Quran, it’s shown, that thing is very essential to be remark. Hence, Islam has its own perspective about dream exegeses. There is some of prominent Muslim Scholar like Ibn Sirrin al-Bisri (d. 110) emphasis on dream exegeses within his distinguished treatise called Tafsir al-Ahlam. Nevertheless, there are some argument about the authorities of this book, either it’s written by Ibn Sirrin, or another person but claimed as his work. Besides, there are some of the narrative in the book seems contradict with concept of Islamic theology, such a man could see Allah in his dream. What I want to stress here is, sometimes, a dream actually could influence someone life. Even before, we always heard that someone can change drastically from bad person being a good person after dream something, probably the guidance came in that way.

Dream Between Good and Bad

Islam has differentiate between the term of ‘al-hulum’ and ‘al-ru’ya’. Both of these word, refer to ‘dream’ but each of them has different connotation. Al-hulum basically refers to normal dream as well as normal person. It could be true, vice versa. Meanwhile the ‘al-ru’ya’ refers to a way of the revelations among the prophets.

In terms of our condition, it was a bestowed if we had dream about the messenger Muhammad s.a.w. In fact, those who are dream about the prophet s.a.w, as narrated in Hadis regards meet him in the real life. This phenomenon had being through with many of Islamic Movement Scholars especially those who has committed themselves as a prophets piousness. Sometimes, the prophet come to their dream to give some guidance, sometime on their half awake. There are also a dream about the prophet’s household, the companion, tabi’in, tabi’ tabi’in, syuhada’, Ulama’, and so on that regards as a good dream. Once we have a kind of those dreams, we will never forget it for entire of our life.

Between the life experience and heterodox

Ironically in Malay ancestors tradition, there a lot of dream interpretation, sometimes it is very significant based on their life experiences, nor the ridiculous thing. For example, those who had dream bitten by a snake means that they will get married soon (If possible, please ask you parents if they had this kind of dream before they get married). But sometimes the dream of bitten by a snake shown that we have be a victim of black magic (waiyyazubillah), besides  a dream receiving an infant shown we receive ‘something’ (read: saka), or dreaming about blood and so on. Those things has been discussed in Islamic Medical Studies. 

Another thing that has justify as a good dream is, dreaming about performing Hajj, reciting Quran, visiting beautiful places such as paradise, and so on. Islamic tradition teach us, if we have such a nice dream, it is better to be sharing with other person, keenly it will be actualize one day, as part of our prays. Vice versa the bad dream or nightmare should be tell nobody, expect it’s is essentials and need for some interpretation -  related to mystical problem.

Illusion or Real Vision

Have we had a dream, then it became real one day? I believe, some people have this experience. When doing something on the real life, it just feel that, “why this situation is quite familiar with me?”, “Am I when to this place?”, “Have we met before?”. As a part of my experiences, I had a dream going to some place that very significant with green environment. I driving that time through the highway. This dream I have two year ago and I just realize it when I’m on my way to some conferences at UUM in this year. Perhaps, my soul has ‘survey’ this place first before I go in the real life. That’s why I have mention before, this thing sometimes is very complicated to comprehend.

Another experience I heard is about the widow of Islamic Movement Scholar in our country. She said, “I never miss my husband since he die, for many years ago.” This scholar is well-known for spend of his life, energy, material for Islam and Ummah. Even a time for his  wife can be count with finger, to show his sacrifice. When people ask her the reason, she said, “Why I have to miss with somebody that always appear in my dream every night?” Another experience I heard is, someone had a dream of met his friend with smiling face, wearing beautiful clothes. When he awake from the sleep, he is realize that his friend just got martyr in jihad fisabilillah. For me, it is not an unacceptable thing, because once who have selected by Allah as righteous servant, furthermore the martyrs, they deserve to get this type of special place. As He remind to us:

وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ

“Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord” (QS Ali ‘Imran 3:169)

Nevertheless, some of people argue (especially among western physiologists), its happen because of thinking too much until it drag into the dream. Some of them criticize it. Whatever it is, I would like to emphasis, particularly a dream can’t be approved as authentic resources in term to define something. That is the position for ordinary person and has been discussed by many Muslim Scholars, even Hasan al-Banna has mention in his Usul ‘Isyrin. However, for certain issues and some reasons, it can be approved as a hint nor a vision, especially when a person had a pray for some guidance (istikharah), and following Prophets sunah when he want to sleep. Then will I let your knowledge and experience to judge it..

 “verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”

faizassyirazi | Winter 2013

Thursday 7 November 2013

Musim Sejuk & Tips Kesihatan

Assalamu'alaikum Wbt,

Berikut beberapa tips kesihatan untuk musim sejuk khususnya buat mereka yang berada di benua Eropah. Namun, harus diingatkan sekiranya anda gagal untuk menjaga kesihatan dan mengambil langkah-langkah keselamatan, anda akan terdedah dengan pelbagai penyakit.


Lebih daripada 100 virus yang boleh menyebabkan selesema. Virus mula membiak setelah masuk ke dalam badan melalui rongga hidung atau mulut.

Simptom :
- Sakit tekak
- Bersin
- Hidung berair
- Mata berair
- Demam
- Hidung tersumbat
- Batuk 

Rawatan :
- Mengambil ‘pain reliever'
- Elakkan diri dari melakukan aktiviti yang tidak perlu
- Rehat secukupnya
- Minum air dalam kuantiti yang banyak (terutamanya jus buah)

Tiada vaksin yang digunakan untuk merawat selesema, namun jika anda terus makan makanan berkhasiat, mendapat tidur yang cukup dan bersenam, sekurang-kurangnya ia dapat mengurangkan peluang anda daripada dijangkiti virus. Elakkan diri dari bersentuhan secara langsung dengan mereka yang mempunyai selesema dan basuh tangan anda dengan kerap.


Jangkitan pernafasan mudah jangkit. Influenza bukan sesuatu yang membahayakan untuk kebanyakan orang, namun di kalangan warga tua, influenza boleh menyebabkan masalah serius seperti Pneumonia.

Simptom :
- Demam
- Menggigil
- Batuk
- Sakit tekak
- Hidung berair
- Sakit belakang, kaki dan lengan

Simptom influenza dilihat sama seperti selesema, namun tanda-tanda ini lebih cenderung untuk menjadi lebih teruk dan bertahan lebih lama.

Rawatan :
- Rehat yang cukup (Bed-rest)
 - ‘pain reliever’
- Minum air dalam kuantiti yang banyak
*Antibiotik tidak berkesan terhadap virus influenza

HIPOTERMIA – Penurunan suhu badan

Walaupun hipotermia boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa, warga tua menghadapi risiko tertinggi kerana badan mereka tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan suhu dengan cepat dan mereka mungkin tidak sedar bahawa mereka secara beransur-ansur semakin sejuk. Keadaan ini biasanya terjadi sepanjang masa.

Simptom :
- Kealpaan
- Mengantuk
- Pertuturan yang tidak jelas
- Nadi yang lemah
- Degupan jantung yang perlahan
- Pernafasan yang perlahan

Jika suhu badan di bawah 30OC, seseorang boleh berada dalam keadaan koma. Jika anda mendapati simptom-simptom tersebut ada pada rakan anda, ambil suhu badan rakan anda. Sekiranya kurang dari 35OC, bawa rakan anda terus ke hospital. Balut rakan anda yang sakit dengan selimut dan jika rakan anda sedang berjaga, beri sedikit makanan dan minuman hangat. Hal ini, adalah untuk mengelakkan pesakit kehilangan haba. Pesakit tidak dibenarkan mandi air panas, kerana ia boleh menyebabkan kejutan. Secara umumnya, jangan cuba untuk merawat hipotermia di rumah. Hipotermia perlu dirawat di hospital.


Bahagian badan yang sering terdedah/terjejas kepada radang dingin adalah kawasan muka (pipi, hidung, dagu dan dahi), telinga, pergelangan tangan, tangan dan kaki. Radang dingin akan menyebabkan kulit berwarna putih dan kaku serta kebas.

Rawatan :
- Panaskan bahagian badan yang terjejas secara beransur-ansur
- Balut bahagian badan dengan selimut, baju tebal, kot dan lain-lain
- Memakai pakaian yang berlapis-lapis dan tebal apabila hendak keluar rumah
- Jangan gosok bahagian badan yang terjejas kerana ia boleh merosakkan tisu-tisu
- Elakkan bermain dengan salji

Adaptation from PermaiJordan

P/s: The most essential is, remember 5 things before 5 things..

Monday 4 November 2013

1435 | A New Begining - Never Lose the Trust

Salam Maal Hijrah 1435 H :)

Saturday 2 November 2013

GUA - When The Trigger Was Pulled

Meanwhile in Gaza...

Gaza City, 27 Dhul Hijja 1434/1 November 2013 - Israeli artillery fire in the southern Gaza Strip has killed four Palestinian fighters and wounded others, officials from both sides said. The local commanders of Hamas' military wing were killed by tank fire, Palestinian officials said on Friday, while the Israeli army said five of its soldiers were wounded by an explosive device. 

The Israeli military said in a statement its aircraft targeted a tunnel used by Palestinian fighters to carry out attacks on Israelis and accused Hamas of breaching a ceasefire reached a year ago, after an eight-day cross-border war. Palestinian officials said Rabieh Barikeh was killed instantly in the firefight late Thursday night and Khaled Abu Bakr died of his wounds during the night. The bodies of Mohammed al-Qassas and Mohammed Daoud were discovered later. 

The officials said all were local commanders of Hamas's Ezzedine al-Qassam military wing. The Reuters news agency reported that Israeli tanks had entered Gaza, remaining there for several hours before clashes erupted, during the attack. Witnesses told Al Jazeera that the Israeli artillery was aimed at farmers' houses, while Hamas said that an Israeli helicopter also fired rockets in the area. 

An Israeli military spokeswoman said forces were carrying out "a pinpoint action" in the area to search for a tunnel connecting Gaza to Israel, but did not have further details. Suing over settlements Meanwhile, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki on Thursday denounced Israeli plans to build hundreds of new settler homes in Jerusalem, threatening to pursue international legal action in response. 

Israel announced on Wednesday it would build 1,500 new settler homes in the mostly Arab sector of Jerusalem, immediately after releasing 26 Palestinian prisoners in line with its commitments to US-backed peace talks. "The foreign ministry is seriously looking at turning immediately to international courts and organisations, and filing the necessary complaints in order to stop settlement building," Malki said. He condemned "plans approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for settlement building, and Netanyahu's attempts to link the settlement issue with the prisoners issue". PLO chiefs convened later on Thursday in Ramallah, in a session chaired by President Mahmoud Abbas. "The Palestinian leadership will take a number of steps in the next few days to face the settlement offensive," the Palestine Liberation Organisation's executive said after the meeting. 

A senior Palestinian official denied reports that Palestinian negotiators would resign in protest at the latest Israeli move. Israel says it never promised to freeze settlement during talks. The Palestinians agreed to refrain from pursuing legal action against Israel during ongoing peace talks, but have repeatedly warned that continued settlement building would force them to recourse to the International Criminal Court and other international bodies | Al-Jazeera

P/s: Just as many Islamic Movement Scholar told, beginning the Syria conflict and followed by the Egypt coup in order to vanish Muslim Brotherhood from the authority, these results the Palestine communities become weaker to defend themselves . Now we can see after they have almost complete the plan, they strike Gaza and indeed to take their revenge since they have been humiliated on the past war. 

Dear Muslims; brothers and sisters, please never forget to recite 'qunut nazilah' in each of our prayer. Besides, we have to support them in every way we could especially in donation. This time, they will be more difficult situation rather than before because all of the 'life source' has been cut off many of it. But still, Allah will never abandon His servant wherever they were.